In the module 'Design Awards & Exhibition', we were tasked with creating the poster for the year-end degree show.
My style is often quite black and white, with lots of contrast, and bold colours, so for this project I really wanted to do something completely different and stand out from my peers.
I did a ton of research as we had no real guidelines to follow so we could do whatever we wanted. I did seven different concepts and three sketches for each one.
I adore Japanese art and graphic design, and I was inspired by several artworks that used gradients and circles as well as landscapes. I felt this was the way to go as no one else was doing anything with pastel colours so I knew mine would stand out from the crowd.
The finished poster took a while as there were many colour variations and figuring out the font and any additional textures etc. took a bit of trial and error. In the end, I think the finished poster I created is intriguing, it's different and it's creative. It didn't make the cover, due to extenuating circumstances, but it was featured on the degree show website.