In my final year of university, we had a mandatory module called 'Pressure Projects'. The aim of this module was to simulate what working in an agency is like; more specifically, a worst-case scenario quick brief in an agency.
We had just under two days of time to complete the brief, so essentially, to create a logo, brand, and a minimum of five outputs. As these were group projects I am not responsible for creating everything. We all had assigned roles and specific outputs we created.
The client for the first project was the Kiln in Worcester, but more specifically, the brand-new creative spaces built into the arches of the Worcester railway bridge. The brand is called Arches, and they had an existing logo, but my team decided on creating a completely new brand called Spaces, instead.

I was in charge of creating posters and flyers using the brand guidelines we had made (see above photos). The target audience was any and all art degree graduates that would want to use these creative spaces as their studio or workspaces. We as a team decided that we wanted to be bold with the promotion so we used bright colours and used the pattern to create visual intrigue.
The posters would be displayed around Worcester, at the bus station, train station, etc. The slogan was 'Endless ____', for example 'Endless Possibilities', 'Endless Coffee', Endless Opportunities', and so on.

The membership pack was created by Beth Morgan.

The bus and bus shelter ads were created by Yani Gencheva.

The social media and real-life mockup was created by Dominik Morc.