When I started at the University of Worcester in September of 2018, one of its iconic buildings, the Art House, had yet to be officially opened. My class got a chance to create a brand for it before the opening night. None of our projects were chosen in the end but I am nonetheless proud of my work.

The Art House, located in the city center of Worcester, is a red brick building with big display windows and a clock tower visible from afar. The inside is very industrial, mainly in grays and whites, with several atelier-type spaces for different art majors to be able to work both privately and collaboratively. It is also where the final art show is held at the end of the year.
I drew inspiration from the clocktower and played around with different designs until I landed on this pointy two-piece tower design. The two pieces are meant to resemble the tip of a pencil as well as the top view of a pencil sharpener